Returns and Refunds

At Harford Armory we test the products we sell and make every effort to ensure you'll be 100% satisfied with your order. If you need to return an item, please do so within 30 days of your order.

Please inspect your entire order when it arrives to make sure you received exactly what you ordered.

If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with an item(s) you have ordered or an item is damaged/defective, you may return it (within 30 days of the purchase) for a replacement, refund or credit. Please allow 2-3 weeks after you ship your return to us for processing.

Pack up and secure the product(s) to be returned with original packing and paperwork, if possible. Please print your full name, the billing address, the phone number on file and the reason you are returning the item on a sheet of paper, so the returns department can process the return and contact you if they have any additional questions. Please include a copy of your receipt for the standard shipping cost, not including express mailing or insurance will be refunded if the item(s) are deemed defective or damaged due to manufacturers defect by our Returns Department.

Drop off the package at a UPS location, we recommend you insure the package and use a shipping method that includes tracking information. We can only process returns for items we receive. Save your receipt and tracking number until the credit is processed.

Our return address is:

Harford Armory
P.O. Box 621
Jarrettsville, MD 21084


Please note this policy does not apply to firearms